North Conway πΊπΈ
Nautical Twilight begins:05:52 amSunrise:06:55 am
Sunset:05:02 pmNautical Twilight ends:06:05 pm
Moonrise:10:19 am
Moonset:12:52 am
Moon over:05:53 pm
Moon under:05:35 am
- First Quarter Moon
Distance to earth:365,405 kmProximity:94.6 %
Moon Phases for North Conway
poor Day
major Time:04:35 am - 06:35 am
minor Time:09:19 am - 11:19 am
major Time:04:53 pm - 06:53 pm
minor Time:11:52 pm - 01:52 am
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Wed, 05 Feb
04:35 am -
06:35 am
04:53 pm -
06:53 pm
09:19 am -
11:19 am
11:52 pm -
01:52 am
R: 06:55 am S: 05:02 pm |
R: 10:19 am S: 12:52 am |
First Quarter Moon |
Thu, 06 Feb
05:32 am -
07:32 am
05:55 pm -
07:55 pm
01:10 am -
03:10 am
09:55 am -
11:55 am
R: 06:54 am S: 05:03 pm |
R: 10:55 am S: 02:10 am |
First Quarter Moon |
Fri, 07 Feb
06:33 am -
08:33 am
07:02 pm -
09:02 pm
02:26 am -
04:26 am
10:41 am -
12:41 pm
R: 06:52 am S: 05:05 pm |
R: 11:41 am S: 03:26 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Sat, 08 Feb
07:35 am -
09:35 am
08:09 pm -
10:09 pm
03:32 am -
05:32 am
11:39 am -
01:39 pm
R: 06:51 am S: 05:06 pm |
R: 12:39 pm S: 04:32 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Sun, 09 Feb
08:36 am -
10:36 am
09:12 pm -
11:12 pm
04:26 am -
06:26 am
12:46 pm -
02:46 pm
R: 06:50 am S: 05:08 pm |
R: 01:46 pm S: 05:26 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Mon, 10 Feb
09:33 am -
11:33 am
10:10 pm -
12:10 am
05:08 am -
07:08 am
01:58 pm -
03:58 pm
R: 06:48 am S: 05:09 pm |
R: 02:58 pm S: 06:08 am |
Full Moon |
Tue, 11 Feb
10:25 am -
12:25 pm
11:01 pm -
01:01 am
05:40 am -
07:40 am
03:11 pm -
05:11 pm
R: 06:47 am S: 05:10 pm |
R: 04:11 pm S: 06:40 am |
Full Moon |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater North Conway area
Beaches and Bays are ideal places for land-based fishing. If the beach is shallow and the water is clear then twilight times are usually the best times, especially when they coincide with a major or minor fishing time. Often the points on either side of a beach are the best spots. Or if the beach is large then look for irregularities in the breaking waves, indicating sandbanks and holes. We found 1 beaches and bays in this area.
Lower Bay - 20km
We found a total of 76 potential fishing spots nearby North Conway. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Pudding Pond - 2km , Echo Lake - 3km , Shingle Pond - 7km , Red Eagle Pond - 7km , Swift River Bridge - 8km , Saco River Covered Bridge - 8km , Bartlett Bridge - 8km , Pequawket Power Company Dam - 8km , Meadow Pond Dam - 9km , Glen Ellis Dam - 9km , Upper Kimball Pond - 10km , Albany Bridge - 10km , Conway Lake Dam - 10km , Kittredge Pond - 10km , Upper Pequawket Pond - 11km , Honeymoon Bridge - 11km , Hunt Pond - 11km , Province Pond - 11km , Snake Pond - 11km , Upper Kimball Lake Dam - 11km , Iona Lake - 12km , Swans Falls Dam - 12km , Dollof Pond - 12km , Ledge Pond - 12km , Mirror Lake - 12km , Lower Kimball Pond - 12km , Moose Pond - 12km , Loon Island - 12km , Tight Pond - 12km , Little Pea Porridge Pond Dam - 13km , McKiels Pond - 13km , Middle Pea Porridge Pond - 13km , Pea Porridge Pond - 13km , Falls Pond - 13km , Fryeburg Dam - 13km , Labrador Pond - 14km , Mountain Pond - 14km , Whitton Pond - 14km , Haley Pond - 14km , Back Pond - 14km , Black Pond - 15km , Davis Pond - 15km , Bog Pond - 15km , Horseshoe Pond - 15km , Haunted Pond - 15km , Round Pond - 15km , Peat Pond - 16km , Charles Pond - 16km , Clays Pond - 16km , Roberts Pond - 16km , McDonough Brook Dam - 16km , Crystal Lake - 17km , Blue Pond - 17km , Fryeburg Harbor - 17km , Pickerel Pond - 17km , Kezar Lake Dam - 17km , Tyler Bog - 17km , Loud Pond - 17km , Lovewell Pond - 17km , Cranberry Bog - 17km , Lonely Lake - 18km , Hatch Pond - 18km , Mack Pond - 18km , Drew Pond - 18km , Chocorua Lake - 19km , Mailly Pond - 19km , Buck Island - 19km , Long Pond - 19km , Pigeon Point - 19km , Big Island - 19km , Northwest Cove - 20km , Bimba Island - 20km , Durgin Pond - 20km , Lower Bay - 20km , James Pond - 20km , Little Lake - 20km